Kassie Pertsovsky

Use Case Diagram For Flipkart

Reading time: 11 minutes

Clearly defined requirements are essential signs on the road that leads to a successful project. They establish a formal agreement between a client and a provider that they are both working to reach the same goal. High-quality, detailed requirements also help mitigate financial risks and keep the project on a schedule. According to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge (BABOK) definition, requirements are a usable representation of a need.

Creating requirements is a complex task as it includes a set of processes such as elicitation, analysis, specification, validation, and management. In this article, we'll discuss the main types of requirements for software products and provide a number of recommendations for their use.

Types of requirements

BABOK, which is a recognized set of business analysis industry standards, offers the following classification of requirements.

Business requirements

These include high-level statements of goals, objectives, and needs. Business requirements do not include any details or specific features. They just state the problem and the business objective to be achieved such as

  • increased revenue/throughput/customer reach,
  • reduced expenses/errors,
  • improved customer service, etc.

User (stakeholder) requirements

The needs of discrete stakeholder groups (top-level managers, nonmanagement staff, customers, etc.) are specified to define what they expect from a particular solution. This group serves as a bridge between the generalized business requirements and specific solution requirements. They are outlined in a User Requirements Specification and can include, for example, ability to create various reports, view order history and status, manage customer databases, etc.

Solution requirements

Solution requirements describe specific characteristics that a product must have to meet the needs of the stakeholders and the business itself. They fall into two large groups.

  • Functional requirements define what a product must do, what its features and functions are.
  • Nonfunctional requirements describe the general properties of a system. They are also known as quality attributes.

Transition requirements

An additional group of requirements defines what is needed from an organization to successfully move from its current state to its desired state with the new product. They are only necessary for the short period of time while the transition takes place. Examples can be "users must be trained to operate the system" or "previous data must be migrated to the cloud storage."

To learn more about software documentation and planning, consider checking our video explainer.

Software documentation and planning in 11 minutes or less

This article is focused on functional and nonfunctional types of requirements. Before diving into the detailed description, let's compare them side by side.

Functional vs nonfunctional requirements

Functional requirements are product features or functions that developers must implement to enable users to accomplish their tasks. So, it's important to make them clear both for the development team and the stakeholders. Generally, functional requirements describe system behavior under specific conditions. For example:

The system sends an approval request after the user enters personal information.

A search feature allows a user to hunt among various invoices if they want to credit an issued invoice.

The system sends a confirmation email when a new user account is created.

Nonfunctional requirements, not related to the system functionality, rather define how the system should perform. Some examples are:

The website pages should load in 3 seconds with the total number of simultaneous users <5 thousand.

The system should be able to handle 20 million users without performance deterioration.

Here's a brief comparison and then we'll proceed to a more in-depth explanation of each group.

functional and nonfunctional requirements comparison

Functional vs nonfunctional requirements

Types of functional requirements and their specifications

Functional requirements can be classified according to different criteria. For example, we can group them on the basis of the functions a given feature must perform in the end product. Of course, they would differ depending on the product being developed, but for the sake of an example, the types of functional requirements might be

  • Authentication
  • Authorization levels
  • Compliance to laws or regulations
  • External interfaces
  • Transactions processing
  • Reporting
  • Business rules, etc.

Requirements are usually written in text, especially for Agile-driven projects. However, they may also be visuals. Here are the most common formats and documents:

  • Software requirements specification document
  • Use cases
  • User stories
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), or functional decomposition
  • Prototypes
  • Models and diagrams

Let's see what each of them is about.

Software requirements specification document

Both functional and nonfunctional requirements can be formalized in the software requirements specification (SRS) document. To learn more about software documentation in general, read our article on that topic. The SRS contains descriptions of functions and capabilities that the product must provide. The document also defines constraints and assumptions. The SRS can be a single document communicating functional requirements or it may accompany other software documentation like user stories and use cases.

We don't recommend composing SRS for the entire solution before the development kick-off, but you should document the requirements for every single feature before actually building it. Once you receive the initial user feedback, you can update the document.

SRS must include the following sections:

Purpose. Definitions, system overview, and background.

Overall description. Assumptions, constraints, business rules, and product vision.

Specific requirements. System attributes, functional requirements, and database requirements.

It's essential to make the SRS readable for all stakeholders. You also should use templates with visual emphasis to structure the information and aid in understanding it. If you have requirements stored in some other document formats, provide a link to them so that readers can find the needed information.

Example: If you'd like to see an actual document, download this SRS example created at Michigan State University, which includes all points mentioned above in addition to presenting use cases to illustrate parts of the product. Below is a concise list of SRS contents.

srs contents

A template for a software requirements specification, source: Software Requirements by Karl Wiegers Joy Beatty

Use cases

Use cases describe the interaction between the system and external users that leads to achieving particular goals.

Each use case includes three main elements:

Actors. These are the external users that interact with the system.

System. The system is described by functional requirements that define an intended behavior of the product.

Goals. The purposes of the interaction between the users and the system are outlined as goals.

There are two formats to represent use cases:

  • Use case specification structured in textual format
  • Use case diagram

A use case specification represents the sequence of events along with other information that relates to this use case. A typical use case specification template includes the following information:

  • Description
  • Pre- and Post- interaction condition
  • Basic interaction path
  • Alternative path
  • Exception path


Software requirements specification document

Use case specification template

A use case diagram doesn't contain a lot of details. It shows a high-level overview of the relationships between actors, different use cases, and the system.

The use case diagram includes the following main elements:

  • Use cases. Usually drawn with ovals, use cases represent different interaction scenarios that actors might have with the system (log in, make a purchase, view items, etc.).
  • System boundaries.Boundaries are outlined by the box that groups various use cases in a system.
  • Actors. These are the figures that depict external users (people or systems) that interact with the system.
  • Associations. Associations are drawn with lines showing different types of relationships between actors and use cases.


Use case diagram example

Use case diagram example

User stories

A user story is a documented description of a software feature seen from the end-user perspective. The user story describes what exactly the user wants the system to do. In Agile projects, user stories are organized in a backlog, which is an ordered list of product functions. Currently, user stories are considered to be the best format for backlog items.

A typical user story is written like this:

As a <type of user>, I want <some goal> so that <some reason>.

Example :

As an admin, I want to add descriptions to products so that users can later view these descriptions and compare the products.

User stories must be accompanied by acceptance criteria. These are the conditions that the product must satisfy to be accepted by a user, stakeholders, or a product owner. Each user story must have at least one acceptance criterion. Effective acceptance criteria must be testable, concise, and completely understood by all team members and stakeholders. They can be written as checklists, plain text, or by using Given/When/Then format.


Here's an example of the acceptance criteria checklist for a user story describing a search feature:

  • A search field is available on the top-bar.
  • A search is started when the user clicks Submit.
  • The default placeholder is a grey text Type the name.
  • The placeholder disappears when the user starts typing.
  • The search language is English.
  • The user can type no more than 200 symbols.
  • It doesn't support special symbols. If the user has typed a special symbol in the search input, it displays the warning message: Search input cannot contain special symbols.

Finally, all user stories must fit the INVEST quality model:

  • I – Independent
  • N – Negotiable
  • V – Valuable
  • E – Estimable
  • S – Small
  • T – Testable

Independent. This means that you can schedule and implement each user story separately. This is very helpful if you implement continuous integration processes.

Negotiable. This means that all parties agree to prioritize negotiations over specification. This also means that details will be created constantly during development.

Valuable. A story must be valuable to the customer.  You should ask yourself from the customer's perspective "why" you need to implement a given feature.

Estimable. A quality user story can be estimated. This will help a team schedule and prioritize the implementation. The bigger the story is, the harder it is to estimate it.

Small. Good user stories tend to be small enough to plan for short production releases. Small stories allow for more specific estimates.

Testable. If a story can be tested, it's clear enough and good enough. Tested stories mean that requirements are done and ready for use.

Functional decomposition or Work Breakdown Structures (WBS)

A functional decomposition or WBS is a visual document that illustrates how complex processes break down into their simpler components. WBS is an effective approach to allow for an independent analysis of each part. WBS also helps capture the full picture of the project.

We suggest the following logic of functional decomposition:

  1. Find the most general function.
  2. Find the closest sub function.
  3. Find the next level of sub function.
  4. Check your diagram.

Or the decomposition process may look like this:

High Level Function ->Sub-function -> Process -> Activity

The features should be decomposed to the point at which the lowest level parts can't be broken down any further.


functional decomposition example

An example of a functional decomposition

Software prototypes

Software prototype is an umbrella term for different forms of early stage deliverables that are built to showcase how requirements must be implemented. Prototypes help bridge the vision gaps and let stakeholders and teams clarify complicated areas of products in development. Traditionally, prototypes represent how the solution will work and give examples of how users will interact with it to accomplish their tasks.

Prototypes can be cheap and fast visual representations of requirements ( throwaway prototypes ) or more complex ones ( evolutionary prototypes ). The latter can even become the early versions of the product that already have some pieces of the final code. Effectively, evolutionary prototypes may even turn into minimum viable products or MVPs that we've described in a separate article.

Design documents and prototypes

Design requirements are usually collected and documented using three main formats that morph into one another:

Wireframes. Wireframes are low-fidelity graphic structures of a website or an app. They help map different product pages with sections and interactive elements.

Wireframe example

Wireframe example

Mockups. Once wireframes are ready, they are turned into mockups, visual designs that convey the look and feel of the final product. Eventually, mockups can become the final design of the product.

Design prototypes. These documents contain visuals and allow for some interface interactions, like scrolling, clicking on links, or filling in forms. Design prototypes can be built from scratch using HTML and CSS, but most UX teams use prototyping services like InVision.


To learn more about how UX design processes are handled, check our case study about building a travel management solution for Cornerstone, a corporate SaaS provider, in which we used all three types of design requirements.

Flight Status interface design

Flight Status interface design of the 4site platform

Nonfunctional requirements examples

As we already mentioned, nonfunctional requirements describe how a system must behave and establish constraints of its functionality. This type of requirements is also known as the system's quality attributes. If you want detailed information about types of nonfunctional requirements and how to approach and document them, check our dedicated article.

Here, we'll just briefly describe the most typical nonfunctional requirements.


Usability defines how difficult it will be for a user to learn and operate the system. Usability can be assessed from different points of view:

Efficiency of use: the average time it takes to accomplish a user's goals, how many tasks a user can complete without any help, the number of transactions completed without errors, etc.

Intuitiveness: how simple it is to understand the interface, buttons, headings, etc.

Low perceived workload: how many attempts users need to accomplish a particular task.

Example: Usability requirements can consider language barriers and localization tasks: People with no understanding of French must be able to use the product. Or you may set accessibility requirements: Keyboard users who navigate a website using <tab>, must be able to reach the "Add to cart" button from a product page within 15 <tab> clicks.


Security requirements ensure that the software is protected from unauthorized access to the system and its stored data. It considers different levels of authorization and authentication across different users roles. For instance, data privacy is a security characteristic that describes who can create, see, copy, change, or delete information. Security also includes protection against viruses and malware attacks.

Example: A ccess permissions for the particular system information may only be changed by the system's data administrator.


Reliability defines how likely it is for the software to work without failure for a given period of time. Reliability decreases because of bugs in the code, hardware failures, or problems with other system components. To measure software reliability, you can count the percentage of operations that are completed correctly or track the average period of time the system runs before failing.

Example: The database update process must roll back all related updates when any update fails.


Performance is a quality attribute that describes the responsiveness of the system to various user interactions with it. Poor performance leads to negative user experience. It also jeopardizes system safety when it's overloaded.

Example: The front-page load time must be no more than 2 seconds for users that access the website using an LTE mobile connection.


Availability is gauged by the period of time that the system's functionality and services are available for use with all operations. So, scheduled maintenance periods directly influence this parameter. And it's important to define how the impact of maintenance can be minimized. When writing the availability requirements, the team has to define the most critical components of the system that must be available at all times. You should also prepare user notifications in case the system or one of its parts becomes unavailable.

Example: New module deployment mustn't impact front page, product pages, and check out pages availability and mustn't take longer than one hour. The rest of the pages that may experience problems must display a notification with a timer showing when the system is going to be up again.


Scalability requirements describe how the system must grow without negative influence on its performance. This means serving more users, processing more data, and doing more transactions. Scalability has both hardware and software implications. For instance, you can increase scalability by adding memory, servers, or disk space. On the other hand, you can compress data, use optimizing algorithms, etc.

Example: The website attendance limit must be scalable enough to support 200,000 users at a time.

Best practices for documenting requirements

Creating documentation is an integral part of any software development project. Well-documented requirements ensure that stakeholders and developers are on the same page and also help define project scope and budget. Here are a few useful tips on how to make great documentation.

Requirements have to be clear and understandable. Make sure your requirements are stated in a concise manner that doesn't contain ambiguity or allow different interpretations. Also, try to avoid technological jargon. Remember that each audience is different and stakeholders might not be familiar with specialized tech terminology. Instead, enrich your documents with visuals, diagrams, and graphs to support the information and make it easier to perceive. Adding glossaries and cross-links is also helpful.

Requirements have to be specific, accurate, and complete. When writing your documentation, be consistent with the language and make sure that your requirements are accurate. They should cover every scenario, but never contradict each other. Avoid vagueness and weak phrases such as "system has to be fast" or "when something happens." Be specific and quantify the terms so that all the readers can understand them in the same way.

Requirements have to be testable. Write requirements in such a way that after the product is created, testing can show whether they are delivered successfully.

Requirements have to be feasible and sensible. Focus on the functionality and quality attributes that users actually need. Remember that requirements have to reflect higher-level business objectives.

Source: https://www.altexsoft.com/blog/business/functional-and-non-functional-requirements-specification-and-types/

Posted by: kassiepertsovskye0195227.blogspot.com

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Source: https://junkgarbageremoval.com/Junk_Removal_Fort_Worth_TX.html

Posted by: kassiepertsovskye0195227.blogspot.com

Ios 11 Icons Download Svg

20+ Best Custom Icon Packs for iPhone & iOS Apps

iPhone is an incredible device but it also has its flaws and limitations. One of the biggest complaints most iPhone users have is the lack of customizability of the device theme.

It's especially annoying when Android users keep showing off their custom home screen themes while iPhone users are stuck with the same default icon designs. Well, that's going to change today!

In this post, we bring you a collection of beautiful iOS icon packs you can use to customize your iPhone home screen to look more stylish and unique. With these icons, you can completely transform your iPhone app icons with your own custom designs.

There are both premium and free icon sets for you to choose from. You can use themed icon sets or mix and match to create your own unique looks as well. See if you can find an iOS icon set to your liking.

Ultimate Free iOS 14 Icon Pack: 150 Minimal Icons


If you're a fan of minimal icon designs, you will fall in love with this iOS icon pack. It's one of the most elegant icon sets you can download for free.

This ultimate free icon pack comes with both light and dark icon theme designs. And it has 150 different icons to customize all the main and popular app icons on your iPhone. The pack includes the original PSD and SVG files as well.

If you're not sure how to customize icons on your iPhone, the download page has a detailed guide to show you how. The pro version of the pack only costs $9 and it includes icons in multiple colors as well as in both PSD and SVG file formats.

Creative Custom iOS and Android Icons Pack

Creative iOS and Android Icons Pack

This icon pack includes 25 beautiful icons that can be used on both iOS and Android platforms. The icons feature colorful designs and come in multiple file formats, including PNG, AI, and PSD.

50 Custom UI Icons for iOS & Android

50 Custom UI Icons for iOS & Android

This bundle comes with custom icons to match all your popular apps. There are 50 different icon designs in this pack featuring very creative designs. The icons are available in SVG, PNG, PSD, and EPS file formats.

75 Custom Android App Icons

75 Custom Android App Icons

You can use this icon pack to give a minimalist look to your Android home screen. It includes 75 custom line icons that represent various Android apps. The icons can be easily customized with Photoshop and Illustrator as well.

25 Custom Mobile App Icons for iOS & Android

25 Custom Mobile App Icons for iOS & Android

If you want to give a more personalized look and feel to your Android and iOS device, be sure to grab this icon pack. It features 25 icons with hand-drawn style designs. Each icon is also available in 3 different styles.

130 Custom iOS Line Icons Pack

130 Custom iOS Line Icons Pack

A massive bundle of 130 different iOS icons. The icons in this pack include line icon designs and they come in PNG, SVG, PSD, and EPS file formats. You can use them to customize your home screen as well as in your design projects.

Magicons – 160 Icons for Web & Mobile

Magicons - 160 Icons for Web & Mobile

This is a bundle of multipurpose icons you can use to customize your iPhone as well as to use with your design projects. It comes with 160 unique icons featuring clean designs. And they are available in multiple file formats, including PNG, PSD, AI, Sketch, and much more. The icons are also available in a black and white version.

Luchesa Custom Flat Icons for iPhone

Luchesa Custom Flat Icons for iPhone

Want to make your iPhone home screen look more colorful? Then grab and use this custom icon set. It comes with more than 200 different icons featuring a flat color design. They are ideal for customizing the iOS app icons as well as for use with design projects. The icons are available in PNG, EPS, SVG, and AI formats.

50 Custom iOS Icons Pack

50 Custom iOS Icons Pack

You can use this custom icon pack to give a more hand-crafted look to your iPhone home screen. This bundle includes 50 unique icon designs that are most suitable for customizing the basic default icons of your device. The icons come in PSD, PNG, SVG, and EPS file formats.

450 Nano Minimal Icons for iPhone

450 Nano Mininmal Icons for iPhone

Why settle for just 100 or 200 icons when you can get 450 icons in one set! This massive icon pack includes all the app icon designs, including ones covering different social media apps, for customizing your iPhone completely. The icons are available in PNG and vector formats. You can use them with your design projects as well.

Calm – Free iOS 14 App Icons Pack

Calm - Free iOS 14 App Icons pack

Calm is another great free icon pack designed specifically for iOS 14. The free version of the icon pack includes a total of 30 icon designs in a light color theme. You'll be able to customize your basic app icons using this icon pack.

Iconly 2 – Free Essential Icons for iPhone

Iconly 2 - Free Essential Icons for iPhone

Iconly is a massive icons bundle for iPhone. It comes with over 500 essential icon designs for customizing each and every icon on your device. It's actually hard to believe this icon pack is free to download.

Colorful iOS 14 App Icons Pack

Colorful iOS 14 App Icons Pack

This colorful iOS app icon pack reminded us of the classic icons that shipped with the very first smartphones in the early days. These icons will certainly take you back in time to those simple days. It includes a total of 70 icons featuring 5 different color schemes. Instructions for installing app icons in iPhone is also included.

40 User Interface Line Icons Set

40 User Interface Line Icons Set

The UI icons in this set are crafted for design projects. However, you can use them to customize your iPhone home screen as well. It includes 40 icons featuring hand-crafted designs. The icons come in PNG, EPS, and AI file formats.

600 Universal Thin Line Icons

600 Universal Thin Line Icons

With 600 different icons to choose from, this universal icon pack will allow you to not only customize your iPhone home screen but also design app user interfaces and web apps UIs as well. The bundle includes icon designs in multiple categories featuring business, finance, social, nature, and more.

800 Material Design Icons for iPhone

800 Material Design Icons for iPhone

Google introduced the material design concept specifically for the Android user interface. It quickly became a trend in the design industry. With this big icon pack, you can bring the same design style to your iPhone. It includes 800 icons done in material design in thin, solid, and negative line styles.

130 Minimal iOS Line Icons Pack

130 Minimal iOS Line Icons Pack

The beautiful iOS line icons in this pack are perfect for giving a clean and minimal look to your iPhone home screen. It includes a total of 130 icons featuring all the essential app icons you regularly use. The icons come in PNG, SVG, PSD, and vector formats.

100 Free Figma Icons for iPhone

100 Free Figma Icons for iPhone

This free icon pack comes with a set of beautifully minimalist icons for the iPhone. It includes 100 different icons with simple designs. You can easily download and edit them using the Figma app and export the icons in PNG format before customizing the app icons on your phone.

Free 3D iOS Icons Pack

Free 3D iOS Icons Pack

The icons in this pack feature an attractive 3D-like effect that will make your phone home screen look quite unique. The icons are free to download. And they are available in Figma and in PNG format.

Shades of Gray iOS 14 App Icons Pack

Shades of Gray iOS 14 App Icons Pack

Just as the name suggests, this icon pack comes with a set of iOS 14 icons designed with gray colors. It includes 14 app icon designs you can use to replace the main system icons of your iPhone. The icons are available in PNG file format.

Appon – Outline iOS Icon Set

Appon - Outline iOS Icon Set

This simple icon set comes with a basic outline design. This gives each icon a very minimalist look and feel. These icons are perfect for giving a clean look to your iPhone home screen. The icons come in AI, EPS, and PNG formats.

1567 Trendy Thin Line Icons for iPhone

1567 Trendy Thin Line Icons for iPhone

A massive bundle full of creative icons. This pack includes more than 1500 different icons featuring a stylish thin line design. It includes icons in various categories such as business, food, lifestyle, technology, and so much more. Each icon is available in JPG, PNG, and vector file formats as well.

5 FAQs About Custom iPhone Icons

These are some of the common questions iPhone users have about using custom icons on their iOS devices. Hopefully, they'll help you learn more about how to customize your home screen.

How To Customize iPhone Home Screen

iPhone provides very limited features for customizing your home screen. However, there are workarounds and third-party apps you can use to give a personalized look to your phone.

One of the easiest ways to customize your home screen is to use custom icons. Also, the latest iOS 14 now allows you to add widgets to the home screen as well.

Where To Download Custom iPhone App Icons

Custom icons for your iPhone can be downloaded from third-party marketplaces like Envato Elements and Graphic River. After downloading, you can change the icon design for each app on your home screen.

How To Change App Icons on iPhone

You can easily change your iPhone app icons using the Shortcuts app. Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Open Shortcuts app and then tap on the plus (+) icon
  2. Select Add Action
  3. Choose Scripting
  4. Select Open App and choose the app you want to change the icon
  5. Tap on the Share button at the bottom of the screen and select Add To Home Screen
  6. Tap on the icon for the new shortcut and choose the custom icon image from your device

For a visual guide, check out this YouTube tutorial.

How To Make Your Own iOS App Icons

If you're a skilled designer, you can also create your own app icons using vector editors like Adobe Illustrator or Sketch. 1024 x 1024 pixels is the ideal size for an app icon on iPhone.

How To Add Widgets on iPhone

With iOS 14 you have the ability to add widgets to your home screen. To add a widget, simply tap and hold in an empty area on your home screen and then tap on the plus (+) icon to select a widget you want to add.

Source: https://www.theme-junkie.com/best-icon-packs-iphone-ios-apps/

Posted by: kassiepertsovskye0195227.blogspot.com

How To Download Icons For Url Links On Desktop

  • You can add a Google Chrome icon to your desktop for easy access to the browser.
  • First make sure you have Google Chrome installed. If it's not yet installed, use your current browser (Safari or Microsoft Edge for example) to go to this link.
  • Once you have Google Chrome installed on your computer, locate the app icon and click and drag it onto your desktop.
  • On Mac you can also drag the icon onto your App dock (which is usually at the bottom of your screen), and on Windows you can right click on the icon and pin it to your taskbar (which is also usually at the bottom of your screen).
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.

Browsers are like Macs versus PCs, dogs versus cats, and ketchup versus mustard — everybody has a preference. For the majority of the population, the most popular choice right now is Google Chrome . Why? Its fast speeds, simple design, and convenience tend to be fan favorites.

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Here's how you can add the application to your desktop, and start your seamless searching:

Do you have Google Chrome installed?

Before you can add the Google Chrome icon to your desktop, make sure you have it installed on your computer. If you are certain that you have it installed, skip this section. If you are unsure or know you don't have it downloaded, follow the steps below:

Check whether you have Google Chrome installed

If you are unsure whether or not you have Google Chrome installed, follow these steps:

On Windows:

1. In the bottom left corner of your screen you will see a search bar where it says, "Type here to search."

2. Click on the search bar and type in "Google Chrome."

3. If you have Google Chrome installed the app will appear. If you don't have it installed, you won't see the app and it will ask if you want to search the web.

If you have Google Chrome installed, it will appear as an app on your system.
Christine Kopazcewski/Business Insider

4. If you do have it installed, skip to the next section. If you don't, click here to download Google Chrome.

On Mac:

1. Open "Finder."

2. Go to the "Applications" folder on the left side of the window.

3. Scroll through this folder to see if you have Google Chrome. You can also search for it in the top right corner of the window.

You can use the search bar at the top of the Finder window to search the Applications folder for Chrome.
Christine Kopazcewski/Business Insider

4. If you find Google Chrome in the "Applications" folder, skip to the next section. If you don't find Google Chrome in this folder, click here to download it.

How to add a Google Chrome icon to your Windows desktop

Once you're sure that you have Google Chrome installed, follow the below steps:

1. Go to your desktop and click on the "Windows" icon in the bottom left corner of your screen. Be sure to close any other windows beforehand — open windows will prevent you from adding the icon to your desktop.

Click the Windows icon.
Christine Kopazcewski/Business Insider

2. Scroll down and find Google Chrome.

3. Click on the icon and drag it onto your desktop.

Drag the application onto your desktop, and an icon will appear.
Christine Kopazcewski/Business Insider

You now have a Google Chrome icon on your desktop. An even easier way to access Google Chrome? Pin the icon to your task bar at the bottom of your screen. Just right click on the icon and select "Pin to taskbar."

How to add a Google Chrome icon to your Mac desktop

Once you're sure you have Google Chrome installed, follow the steps below:

1. Go to your desktop and open "Finder." Close any other open windows — this could prevent you from adding the icon to your desktop.

2. Select the "Applications" folder on the left side of the window.

3. Locate the Google Chrome icon.

4. Click and drag the icon onto your desktop.

Drag the Chrome icon from your Applications folder to the desktop or your Dock.
Christine Kopazcewski/Business Insider

Now you'll have a Google Chrome icon on your desktop. You can also add the icon to your dock, usually located at the bottom of your screen. To do this, click and drag the icon into its place on the dock.

Related coverage fromHow To Do Everything: Tech:

  • How to clear the cookies in your Google Chrome browser on a desktop or mobile device

  • How to clear the cache on a Google Chrome browser to make it run more efficiently

  • How to enable cookies in a Google Chrome on a desktop or mobile device

  • How to change the language in your Google Chrome browser

Christine Kopaczewski is a Philadelphia-based freelance lifestyle writer. When she's not writing, she's playing with her Scottish Terrier puppy or exploring the east coast with her British husband. Her previous work has been published by Good Housekeeping, PureWow, and Yahoo.

More: Tech How To Google Chrome Mac Windows

Chevron icon It indicates an expandable section or menu, or sometimes previous / next navigation options.

Deal icon An icon in the shape of a lightning bolt.

For you

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-add-google-chrome-icon-to-desktop

Posted by: kassiepertsovskye0195227.blogspot.com

Free Download Samsung Icon Pack Apk

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[ICON PACK] MIUI 12 Icon project [ 3500+ ] ( 23th Jan 2021 )

  • Thread starter tung91
  • Start date


Inactive Recognized Themer
  • #1


This is extend of MIUI 12 icons , for launchers - not miui rom [ with dynamic calendar support ]


APK Download

- You should give proper credits
- You can use it whatever you want
- You are allowed to share this
Last edited:


Inactive Recognized Themer


Inactive Recognized Themer
  • #4
first ?

amazing bro :D:good:

  • #5
Great! Thanks ?

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk Pro

  • #6
Awesome work, thanks for sharing!
Ivant 1968
Mar 15, 2012
  • #8
Nice icons!!! :good:


  • #9
Hello! It is possible to make a theme for MIUIv5 with icons MIUIv6?
  • #10
Got some app icon requests.
Using Nova Prime it would be nice to have those.
                                    com.farproc.wifi.analyzer  de.robv.android.xposed.installer  com.wetter.androidclient  de.finanzen100.currencyconverter  de.fiducia.smartphone.android.banking.vr  com.teamspeak.ts3client  kr.aboy.tools  com.katecca.screenofflock  com.gijoon.pkgnameviewer  de.schildbach.oeffi  com.navigon.navigator_checkout_eu40  com.hybrid.stopwatch  com.google.android.stardroid  com.listen5.gif  com.google.android.diskusage  de.dhl.paket  de.dastelefonbuch.android   com.nolanlawson.logcat   mobi.infolife.appbackup  com.s2apps.player                                  

Please fix the sms app (orange stock MIUI 6) icon.
Have a closer look here
zoom in and see the little thing that looks like a tiny hair on the screen...
It was the first time ever DV took a submission of mine and then I saw that thing on the screenshot :p

keep it up, buddy!

Last edited:
  • #11
Can you please add icon for Rocket Player (com.jrtstudio.AnotherMusicPlayer)? Thanks
  • #12
Some extra icons i made
Got some app icon requests.
Using Nova Prime it would be nice to have those.

Please fix the sms app (orange stock MIUI 6) icon.
Have a closer look here
zoom in and see the little thing that looks like a tiny hair on the screen...
It was the first time ever DV took a submission of mine and then I saw that thing on the screenshot :p
keep it up, buddy!

Can you please add icon for Rocket Player (com.jrtstudio.AnotherMusicPlayer)? Thanks

all icons are in the zip file or dropbox gallery
i made icons for rocket player and some other apps, i don't know how to put them in the app but you can use the image is your launcher supports that




Inactive Recognized Themer
  • #13
Version update, 1300+ icons !!
  • #14
Version update, 1300+ icons !!

Nice, but the SMS app icon is still unclean and requested icons are not included.
  • #15
how use dynamic calendar icon to work with other app like today calendar pro?


Inactive Recognized Themer
  • #17

Hi there @tung91 i was wondering why the dynamic icons are not working on Nova, apparently we could just add this line into appfilter.xml
                                <calendar component="ComponentInfo{com.android.calendar/com.android.calendar.AllInOneActivity}" prefix="calendar_" />                              
Now the stock calendar has dynamic icons.
  • #18
thanks for the update, was looking forward to more icons :good:
would be polite to request the xda app icon if someone can make it, thanks in advance
Last edited:
  • #19
Great thank, I will try or buy it
  • #20
waiting for today calendar dynamic icons

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Source: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/icon-pack-miui-12-icon-project-3500-23th-jan-2021.2861498/

Posted by: kassiepertsovskye0195227.blogspot.com